Reflections on 2020

Reflections on 2020

Reflections on 2020

Whew! What a year! Can you believe we have actually made it to 2021??? This year has been a roller coaster for sure, but we are so thankful for God’s amazing grace and abundant blessings this year. I would like to share with you several reflections on 2020…

reflections on 2020Birth of Our Little Miracle Boy

Last Christmas (2019) we found out we were expecting our little miracle baby after almost six years of infertility. That is another story which I may blog about one of these days. We are so thankful to the Lord for answering our prayers and the many prayers offered up on our behalf.

reflections on 2020Our little blessing was born on Labor Day. We had a relatively easy (as far as childbirth goes) natural delivery/water birth. He has been a delight and joy as we have learned to navigate our new journey of officially becoming parents. He was definitely our favorite gift under the Christmas tree this year!

Our Foster Care Journey

reflections on 2020One week before Thanksgiving our sweet girl went back to live with her parents. Making it to the “finish line” with a child is rewarding. However, saying goodbye is always the hardest part of foster care. You never know if you will see or hear from the little one again.

The week before Christmas we had the unexpected surprise of receiving a three page letter from her mom. She expressed her appreciation to us for loving her little girl and invited us to stay in contact.

We had the privilege of spending some time with our K-Bug on Christmas day. This was truly a Christmas miracle and we are grateful to see the Lord working in the hearts and lives of her parents. We pray that He continues to do so. James was able to lead her daddy to the Lord the day after she left us. He had to take some of her stuff to her dad’s house and was given the opportunity to witness to him.

Foster care is probably one of the hardest things we have ever done. It has been a tremendous time of constantly growing and adapting. At this time we do not plan to take in any more children, but of course we never know what the future holds. Foster care is hard, but it does not mean that it is bad or not God’s will. I am afraid sometimes we have the mindset if something is hard then it must not be God’s will. This is so far from the truth. God calls us to die to ourselves and take up our cross daily. Not everyone is called to foster care, but we are all called to love others unconditionally as Christ has us. 

This journey, although filled with many, many trials, has given us a whole new perspective for which we are grateful. We know that the Lord has a reason for taking us on this path and He has blessed us in many ways because of it. Obedience is always the best choice!

Trials and Testing

reflections on 2020This year has been filled with many highs and many lows. When the world shut down, we along with everyone else faced many disappointments, challenges, and cancelled plans. While this time has not been without its hardships, there has been unexpected blessings come out of it. James came home to work and has been working from home since. This was a great benefit especially during the pregnancy and recovery time.  

In November we lost our beloved puppy dog Gracie. She was the sweetest dog and adapted so well to each child that came into our home, no matter how much they annoyed her. She loved the baby so much and would always be concerned when he was crying. 

This year we also lost several people close to us. My dearest friend since childhood lost her mama. She was my third grade Sunday school teacher and one of my biggest encouragers. I knew I could always count on an uplifting word every time I went home and saw her. She left a tremendous godly legacy for her family and many others.  

The week of Christmas James and I each lost one of our uncles. While we are sorry for their loss, we are grateful for their testimonies and look forward to seeing them again in heaven. 

As we look ahead to this New Year, may we be filled with peace knowing WHO holds the future no matter what may come our way in 2021. Wishing you many blessings in the New Year!
