Through the Bible in a Year Reading Plan – January

Through the Bible in a year reading plan January

Through the Bible Reading Plan – January

Have you committed to reading through your Bible this year? If so, then I invite you to join us by downloading this “Through the Bible Reading Plan.” Each month I will post the following months plan at the end of the month. If you have never read straight through your Bible, then I invite you to commit to do so today! Reading the Bible this way will open your eyes to truths you have never seen before.

Some may say, “well, I can’t get as much out of God’s Word when I read it at such a fast pace.” In some ways, this may be true. However, when you read through the entirety of God’s Word at a quicker pace, it gives you incredible insights into the overall plan of God’s redemption of mankind.

Some years, I slow down and study certain passages or books of the Bible. While at other times, I read the Bible through. Both ways have their advantages. But, no matter how you read God’s Word, it is important to just read it! As we are faithful to read and study the Scriptures, God will speak to us through the passages that we read. However, you read His Word, be sure to have a plan! Don’t approach God’s Word haphazardly. God’s Word should be approached respectfully and with a prepared heart. 

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Through the Bible in a Year Reading Plan January

Through the Bible Reading Plan January