From My Bookshelf – Vol. 1

From My Bookshelf Volume 1

From My Bookshelf – Vol. 1

Do you have a reading goal for 2018?

My goal for this year is to read 30 books. Last year I set a goal of 12 books, but ended up changing it twice and still surpassed my goal of 30 books! I finished 4 books in January so I am hoping to surpass my goal once again.

I love using Goodreads to keep track of what I have read and also see what some of my friends have been reading. If you have never used Goodreads before I would encourage you to check it out! Every year you can set your own personal reading goal and then track your books as you read them.

Hope for My Hometown by Dave Teis

In this book, Bro. Teis shares his journey of starting a church and the many lessons he learned along the way. I really appreciate his openness and honesty. He not only shares his victories but his mistakes as well. I was challenged by his chapter on prayer. In it he says,

“Creating a ‘living’ prayer list will help you focus your prayers. It is a living list because you can cross off items as God answers them. Seeing your prayers answered will encourage you to pray even more. Remember you must establish and maintain a personal walk with the Lord before you can reach lost people with the Gospel.

This book is written mainly for a pastor or church planter. It was given to my hubby as he is interested in church planting. He read it first and then passed it along to me to read.

How to Study the Bible by R. A. Torrey

One of my goals for this year is to dig deeper into the study of God’s word. I am trying to read several books on this topic to help me grow in this area. This is the first one I choose to read. It is a short book and an easy read.

Torrey discusses how to do an individual book study, a topical study, a biographical study, a study of types, and how to study in biblical and chronological order.

If you pick this book up and read nothing but the first chapter (“Conditions for Profitable Bible Study”), you won’t be sorry. In this chapter he discusses eight simple yet profound conditions for profitable Bible study.  Note: In the original edition this chapter appears later in the book (Part II – Chapter 1).  

Thinking for a Change: 11 Ways Highly Successful People Approach Life and Work by John C. Maxwell

This is the second of Maxwell’s books that I have read, and I am currently reading two others. His books are written for those who want to become better leaders. Leadership is not so much about a position as it is influence. Everyone has influence whether or not they realize it.  Maxwell believes that anyone is capable of developing the skills to become an effective leader.  If you are interested in expanded your power of influence and having a positive impact in the lives of others I would encourage you to check out his books.

Loving God with All Your Mind by Elizabeth George

A Woman’s After God’s Own Heart is probably considered a classic in Christian women’s circles. Some may not be as familiar with this book, but it is another great work of Elizabeth George. This was my second time reading this book. Mrs. George challenges ladies in what they think and encourages them to focus on what is true.

This book had a life-changing impact for me when I read it for the first time years ago. It really encouraged me not to be concerned about what I think others may think or say about me. If I don’t know its true, I shouldn’t be worrying about it. Too often we conjure up scenarios in our minds that are not even true or will never happen.

Mrs. George takes you through six powerful truths based on the Word of God that will help you transform the way you think. I personally believe this book is a must-read for every Christian lady!

What have you been reading lately? I would love to hear!

Feel free to leave a comment below or a link to any recent book reviews on your blog!