Three Reasons for Memorizing God’s Word
Sadly, there are many people groups in the World who have yet to obtain even a small portion of God’s Word written in their own language. And yet, we as believers here in America still take God’s Word for granted. Many of us have multiple copies of God’s Word in our homes, and we can even download apps onto our phones for quick and easy access. Memorizing God’s Word should be a vital component of the life of every believer.
The Bible is readily available to us. Yet we often fail to read it, and even more so, neglect hiding it in our hearts and minds through memorization.
There are THREE REASONS why we should be MEMORIZING GOD’S WORD:
God’s Word CLEANSES Us and KEEPS Us from Sin
Psalm 119:9 &11, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”
God’s Word is a mirror into which we can gain a clear view of our true spiritual state. A mirror will not lie or deceive us about our appearance. In the same way God’s Word gives us the most honest depiction of our true character.
Spurgeon wrote:
“God’s word is the best preventive against offending God, for it tells us His mind and will, and it brings our spirit into conformity with the divine Spirit. No cure for sin in the life is equal to the word in the heart. There is no hiding from sin unless we hide the truth in our souls.”
- God’s Word shows us when we’ve done wrong and when we need to confess our sin (I John 1:9).
- Jesus used Scripture to respond to Satan when tempted in the wilderness (Matt. 4). When we are tempted, we can overcome the temptation by turning to God’s Word. The best way to do this is by having His Word already hidden in our hearts.
If you are struggling with a certain sin, I would encourage you to look up and memorize specific verses to help you overcome this temptation. One should never underestimate the power of God’s Word when confronting sin!
God’s Word Keeps Us on the Right COURSE
Psalm 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
Sometimes walking with the Lord is like walking on the beach on a bright sunny day. You can clearly see where the next step to take is. There is no questioning, no need for pondering which way to go.
However, more often than not, it is like walking along a dark lonely path at night where you can barely see your hand in front of your face. At times, there are dark moments of the Christian life. We are not always sure where to turn next.
These are the times when we don’t even have the option of leaning upon our own understanding. We clearly don’t know what we are supposed to do next. God, however, will always reveal the next step at just the right time. Until then, we must just be still. Failing to wait on God’s timing will lead to devastation and catastrophe.
- Having God’s Word hidden in our hearts helps us to make wise decisions that are in accordance to biblical principles.
- It is much easier to know how to obey the Word, when it is written within the pages of your heart.
- God’s Word shows us how to live and fulfill His will for our lives.
He doesn’t always reveal to us the final destination, but He never fails to guide us every step of the way. Although, we must do our part of reading, studying, and memorizing God’s Word.
God’s Word CULTIVATES Us in Our Christian Walk
Psalm 1:2-3, “But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”
Joshua 1:8, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”
Do you desire to be a prosperous Christian?
The key is meditating upon the Word of God. A prosperous Christian is a fruit-bearing Christian. Prosperity here is talking about Spiritual fruit, not temporal riches. However, a fruit-bearing Christian will be laying up eternal rewards in heaven.
- A prosperous Christian delights in the Word of God and the principles found therein.
- A fruit-bearing Christian will allow her heart to be cultivated through memorizing and meditating upon God’s Word.
The Cultivating
The word cultivate means to prepare or work the ground in order to raise crops; or to promote or improve the growth of a crop by labor and attention. Cultivating soil requires meticulous attention and time. A farmer will carefully remove weeds and debris from the soil. He will water, fertilize, and expose the plant to the perfect amount of sunlight.
In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus uses the analogy of a Sower and his seed to demonstrate the varying responses to God’s Word. You can find the entirety of this story in Luke 8.
Luke 8:5a, 8, 15, “A sower went out to sow his seed…And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear…But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.”
Only one type of soil was properly cultivated. A Christian who’s heart has been properly cultivated will be ready to hear, respond, and be prosperous.
What type of response do you have to God’s Word?
Are you allowing it’s transforming power to cultivate your heart and to conform you into a prosperous, fruit-bearing Christian?
- A plant needs soil, water, and sunlight to grow. We need food and water to help us grow physically. But we also need the spiritual bread of God’s Word to help us grow as a Christian.
- We need more of the WORD in our lives and less of the WORLD. The cares of this World are like weeds. They will choke the seedlings of God’s Word that has been planted in our hearts if we do not rid ourselves of them. The weeds must be rooted out of our hearts and not merely plucked from the top of the ground.
- If we don’t read, memorize, and apply God’s Word to our lives, we will wither up and die, just like a plant that has not be cultivated.
Memorizing God’s Word is vital to the life of every believer. It cleanses us, directs us, and helps us to grow into prosperous Christians.
I encourage you to begin implementing this spiritual practice into your life today!
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Amen and amen! I love the Word for all the reasons you explained. It has been life changing for me. Great post to encourage us in our effort to remain in God’s Word!
Especially liked- No cure for sin in the life is equal to the word in the heart.
Thank you for your kind comments Gretchen! God’s Word does make a great difference in how we live our lives when we choose to apply it.
I was just talking to my daughter yesterday about memorizing scripture. The verses I memorized as a child, I don’t think I could forget if I tried. Now it is so hard and I have to constantly refresh my memory. I love your 3 reasons why it’s so important, my favorite being that it brings growth. Many Thanks.
I am so glad you are encouraging your daughter to memorize Scripture! It is so much easier the younger we are, nevertheless, it is still vital to our Christian walk no matter how old we are.
Lovely post! I studied Psalm 119 in it’s entirety not too long ago with a small group and it really opened my eyes to the POWER of God’s word all new again. This post is a great summary of that. Thanks for sharing!!
Psalm 119 is such a great passage about the Word of God!
Such beautiful reminders that we need God’s Word in our hearts! Thank you for this encouraging post.
Thank you for reading and commenting!
It our day and age of choosing not to hide God’s Word in our heart because it’s hidden on our smartphones, these are compelling reasons to memorize Scripture! Beautiful post – thank you! I’m inspired!
We use so many excuses not to memorize His Word, don’t we? All of us need to implement this practice deeper into our lives!
That is right on. Study, know and grow closer with God. Memorize His Word so you will always be able to spot the counterfeit when he comes your way. I joined and enjoy your other posts too. Hope you can find time to take a look at mine and maybe find some inspiration too! Have a blessed day.
Yes, memorizing God’s Word so we can spot the counterfeit! Love how you phrased that! When we focus on understanding the truth in a deeper way, we will more easily be able to spot the deceptions that come our way.