Don’t You Just Love Being Criticized?

Don't you just love being criticized?

Don’t You Just Love Being Criticized?

Yeah, I thought so, You love it as much as I do. Who doesn’t hate being criticized? Lately,* it seems the Lord has thought it necessary for me to learn how to respond to criticism in the right way. Fun. I started working through the first issue only to turn around and have it coming from another direction.

Okay Lord, I guess you are trying to teach me something here. It is especially hard when you feel it is unjustified or that the person didn’t get all the facts before being critical.

So, how do you respond? My first reaction is to become self-defensive. It is so easy to come up with a million reasons to defend yourself.

But, wait a minute…am I letting pride real its ugly head? Maybe God is trying to show me mine own critical attitude. You know, of course I never criticize and neither do you, do you?

Let’s look at this criticism again…ok, maybe there is at least some truth in it. Still, it is so easy to go on the defensive. Isn’t is easy to turn around and start being critical of the one criticizing you? Yup, I’m not the only one.

So…do I listen to the criticism or do I let it make me bitter?

Next time you think of being critical, think of something kind or encouraging to say to the person instead. And…next time someone criticizes you, take what you can from it, forgive and move on. It’s not worth getting bitter over.

Proverbs 15:23, 

“A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season,

how good is it!”



*Originally published Feb. 24, 2011

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6 thoughts on “Don’t You Just Love Being Criticized?

  1. This is a great lead in to making that “compliment sandwich” today, thinking of two great strengths to share and embedding the constructive comments in between, and then serving it up with love.
    Thanks for these good thoughts. In the moment, criticism is hard to swallow, but if it’s offered up in love, it can be a great gift.

  2. Great post! While we have to learn to accept criticism, like you said, there is a right way and a wrong way. I have a tendency to react the same way, in self defense. Lately though, I have been trying to pray for speaking back, and finding a way to say thank you to the person. I still have a looong way to go though, lol.

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