About Me

About Me – Julia Kyte

Hello dear friend!

My name is Julia Kyte. I am a child of God, preacher’s wife, mama to our sweet little boy, and former foster mama. After a long battle with infertility, God blessed us with our little miracle baby in September of 2020! We are exciting for the blessings God has brought into our lives. 

I was born on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and moved to the mid-west after marrying James over six years ago. I am a Bible college graduate and have a heart for ministry. My husband and I are both actively involved in the ministry of our local church as we wait on God’s timing and direction into full time ministry. I have also enjoyed traveling the US and several continents. 

My days are spent reading, writing, quilting, drinking tea, and taking care of our home and our busy little toddler. 

My prayer is that this blog will motivate you to dig deeper into your own study of God’s Word and seek to deepen your commitment as you walk with Him!

A Few of My Favorite Blog Posts:

julia kyteWhen Jesus Didn’t Show Up: Four Vital Truths About Prayer

Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were three of Jesus’ closest friends apart from His disciples. Numerous times throughout His travels He would stop in Bethany to visit these dear friends. One day Jesus received a message that His dear friend Lazarus was sick (John 11).

Now in my small finite human mind, I would think Jesus would drop everything He was doing and go straightaway to heal Lazarus. This seemed to be the thinking of Martha and Mary as well (John 11:21, 32). However, instead of leaving immediately Jesus remained for two days longer.

Jesus had a perfect plan. His plan was different from that of Mary and Martha’s. But it was much bigger and better than anything they could imagine…click to read more

julia kyteWhat Type of Vessel Are You?

Every child of God is a chosen vessel. There is a vast array of chosen vessels in God’s kingdom. Each one of us serves a different purpose. Some people may be like a beautiful vase – out there, where everyone sees them. Others may have roles that seem insignificant which no one seems to notice. No matter what role we have, we still serve a meaningful place in the Lord’s kingdom…click to read more

The Purpose of Abiding

Many Christians today are not living victoriously. They are failing in the most important aspect of their Christian lives – abiding in Christ.

We want convenient Christianity – Christians today don’t want something that is going to cost them time and effort.

Abiding is more than just going to church and hearing a sermon preached once or even several times a week. True abiding means seeking an intimate personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Just like any relationship, it takes work. The more intimate the relationship, the more work it requires…click to read more